What could this post POSSIBLY be about? Lol
I’m sure that’s what you’re thinking…
When my husband and I were dating I would stay at his parent’s house pretty frequently. I didn’t feel comfortable raiding the fridge when I was hungry so I would always make my husband get something for me. One day we were watching Dr. Phil and he made me a chicken nugget sandwich. His parents always bought the big Costco-size bag of frozen chicken nuggets and even kept extra bags stored. Well, I’m not sure if it was my mood that day or what, but I deemed this sandwich my new favorite food. It just hit the spot. It was amazing! So all summer long my husband would take pride in making me this amazing sandwich and really enjoyed the accolades.
Note: The name “nuggy sammie” was given to this dish. There was a girl who was dating one of my husband’s college roommates that always called chicken nuggets “nuggys” and we laughed about this. We named this dish after the inside joke.
When the summer ended my husband went back to school and I had my first solo nug experience.
First, it took me 15 minutes to get the jar off of the pickles.
Second, I bought the wrong chicken nuggets from Costco (I bought the ones shapes like Mickey Mouse instead of the Tyson brand).
The combination of those mistakes, paired with an alternate chef, resulted in a very sub-par outcome.
After multiple tries I concluded that the only person who could make the nuggy sammies that I loved was my husband.
It became a running joke and he used this special skill to “win my heart”. He would make this for me when I was sad, or surprise me when I was mad. It really became a “thing”.

Fast forward to our wedding day. We had decided to write our own vows.
As we were both emotional and nervous standing in front of our family and friends we were pleasantly surprised to hear some similar words from one another. My husband promised commitment and love in his vows but he also promised to never stop making me nuggy sammies. People laughed and were slightly confused. Then when my turn came, I read my vows expressing similar words of commitment and love but also concluded with how lucky I was for multiple reasons including that he makes the best nuggy sammies ever!
In the greeting line after the wedding a countless amount of people asked us about the infamous nuggy sammies.
As weird as this whole thing is, it’s our thing.
I love it.! <3