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So to add to the list of weird things you should know about me, I have a major fear of eye injuries.

When I was little, my sister kicked a small piece of gravel into my eye and I had to have it surgically removed. I was old enough that I should be able to remember, but I don’t remember any of it. Strange, I know.

As far back as I can remember I have always had this irrational fear.

  1. When I was younger my mom hung a poster next to my bed with thumbtacks. I would never sleep facing the poster in fear that the tacks would fall out and stab me.

  2. When kids in school would flick rubber bands at each other I would panic and my heart would race! I was horrified that they didn’t realize they could blind each other. I would run scared of anyone ever pointed one at me.

  3. I will ALWAYS have sunglasses on when I ride my bike for fear that a bug or debris could fly into my eye.

  4. When I had pink eye I would cry every time that I had to get eye drops!

  5. I wore glasses when I was younger and I refused to even consider contacts!

  6. No one ever had to tell me to avoid running with scissors, I was horrified at the idea of what could happen if i fell.

  7. I never let ANYONE do my mascara but me. Even for my wedding, I had the makeup artist skip that part and did it myself. The idea of a slip makes me cringe!

  8. If I ever see a scary movie where something weird happens to someone’s eye, I will have nightmares all night. I will think about what I saw and squeeze my eyes shut SUPER tight to keep them “safe”

Yeah… I have issues.


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