So post-1 year anniversary the questions start rolling in: “when are you having kids?”
It’s funny how people associate marriage with babies, no matter how old you are or your life situation, it’s still expected.
We have had “that” conversation multiple times and it is generally the same outcome each time. We talked about having kids after being married for 2 years. We felt like that would give us time to travel, do fun things, save some money, get used to each other and make a better plan. After 1 year of marriage the 2 year mark seems so much closer than it originally did. It now feels like a race to do EVERYTHING we ever wanted to do before we are more “tied down”.
On a different note, our friends are starting to have families and that pushed us in the other direction. We know that we eventually want kids, so seeing all of these adorable bundles of joy come into the world gets us excited about our future munchkin.
Then there’s the anxiety that comes from the unknown. What if we have trouble getting pregnant and we’re waiting through our “prime” years? Are we really ready for that kind of commitment? Is our relationship solid enough that we can take the focus off of each other and put it onto someone else for the rest of our lives? The whole idea is full of grey areas.
I guess we’ll just have to see what feels right and go from there…