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Bold Moments

So I like to reminisce. No, I LOVE it. Especially good memories.

During the end of Summer 2012 I had a lot going on.

I was recently single and trying to find balance in my life. I was trying to navigate which friendships were mine and which were only the result of my previous relationship. I was trying to figure out what I liked to do for fun, because for the first time in a while I didn’t have to factor anyone else in. I had an amazing, temporary job opportunity that not only opened my eyes to the possibilities in my future but also allowed a lot of really smart, professional people to enter into my life – good, adult influences.

I went on a few casual dates, I went out to dinner with new friends, I visited old friends; there was no structure or rules. I wasn’t looking for anything life-changing, I was content. I was focusing on my career, running more and rekindling neglected relationships.

Then along came Thanksgiving time. Around this time my great grandmother passed away and I inherited a lot of her furniture. On a Saturday my dad was planning to go pick it up from her place and told me at the last minute that he needed me to be back at the house when he got there to help him unload. I was inconvenienced because I worked until 6pm (30 minutes from my house) and had dinner reservations with friends at 7:30pm (30 minutes from my house right near my work). So I had to drive home to turn back around and go back to where I was. I obliged though.

Well come to find out, I pull in the driveway in a rush to find that my Dad had invited his best friend and his son over to help him load and unload and all along I could have stayed at work and not been so rushed! I stomped past the guests and headed for the house to bitch about the situation. As I turned to look back and close the door I noticed the younger guy, with his hoodie up who seemed to be kind of shy and was looking at me as I passed by. I felt dumb. I must have looked so bitchy. So I went inside to change into something fancy for my dinner in hopes that my dressy look would catch the eye of this young guy and that I could say something and redeem myself on the way out.

Well I took too long getting ready and they were already gone. 😐

I thought about adding the boy on Facebook to thank him for moving the furniture for me, but I thought it would be creepy to do it too quickly. So I waited a couple of weeks and added him. I sent him a note to say thanks and that I owed him a beer sometime. Eventually he caught my drift that I thought he was cute and I gave him my number so we could talk. He immediately texted me.

From that point on I was distracted. For the first time ever I got in trouble for texting while working. My face was red every time I looked down at my phone. It was nuts.

This is how it all began. This is how I met my husband!

What do you need to know about him? Let’s see…

  • He’s goofy, like dance-and-sing-around-the-house-in-your-underwear goofy.

  • He just offers to do nice things. Like go to the store to buy me cheese when I’m running low, or run to get my favorite flavor of ice cream before they close and switch it for the week!

  • He’s smart. Like the kind of smart where you don’t want to play trivia games with him (unless he’s on your team). Also, he can always easily calculate out a tip for the dinner bill that rounds out to a whole number. Wizardry, I swear!

  • He’s tolerant. He might make fun of everyone but he’s cultured enough to appreciate diversity. He “hates” indiscriminately and loves indiscriminately.

  • He’s vulnerable. He’s not “Mr. Tough Guy” all the time. He is open to sharing his concerns, worries and insecurities.

  • He’s loyal. Win or lose he’ll always stand up for the people he loves.

  • He loves to cuddle! Enough said.

  • He isn’t afraid to get dirty or work hard. He’s naturally handy and smart enough to pick up new skills.

  • He makes the best damn chicken nugget sandwiches in the world. #NugsNotDrugs

  • He’s not too masculine to file my heels or help me take off my gel nail polish.

  • He’s part human, part dragon. He consumes more hot sauce than any human should. Maybe that’s why he’s so HOT. (punny-hehe)

  • He cares WAY too much about what people think! Which is commendable in terms of trying to do right by everyone and make them proud; however, a little known secret is that he is really a million times more impressive than everyone else in the world, so he should probably reassess his standards and come to terms with his awesomeness.

  • He is very contentious about his health and respects himself enough to make good choices.

  • He’s self-aware. He knows his faults and he’s always working to improve himself. It takes a LOT of moxy to evaluate where you are and then determine how you want to get where you want to be.

  • He puts up with me! The ultimate proof of a super hero.


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