Morning sickness is tough.
The name is misleading considering you can oftentimes be nauseous ALL DAY!
This part of pregnancy is so challenging because your caught up in a time of misery and new found excitement! You also aren’t far enough along in pregnancy to feel comfortable sharing the good news with others; meaning you have to suffer in secret. You essentially spend 12+ weeks pretending to feel fine or letting people just assume you’re on the verge of death, are suddenly anti-social or seem less focused. It’s kind of impossible to get through this period without making some lifestyle and priority changes.
I can remember desperately wanting to wait until 12 weeks to share my pregnancy with anyone but felt compelled to tell my boss at 9 weeks because I felt like SUCH a hot mess. I was constantly sucking on ginger drops, had accumulated a giant stash of morning sickness remedies at my desk and was constantly fanning myself to avoid passing out during hot flashes!

I ate more matzo ball soup during these 12 weeks than I have in my entire life. Nothing sounded appetizing and the smell of hot sauce and Mexican food made me instantly ill. *Note that I have ALWAYS LOVED Mexican cuisine. I actually lost weight during this time because I was so turned off by food.
If you’re in that rough patch of pregnancy right now, just know that it’s all worth it! This too shall pass!
In the meantime check out the below tips that helped me survive my weeks of Morning Sickness Hell:
Keep ginger drops in your purse at ALL TIMES
Ginger tea is a god send! If you’re too nauseous to drink anything, just smell it
Speaking of smells…use an essential oil diffuser! I kept one at my desk during pregnancy with peppermint oil in it
Try eating matzo ball or chicken noodle soup
Keep a baggie of saltine crackers in EVERY room, car, office, etc. The second you feel slightly hungry, eat one!
Eat immediately upon waking
Never let yourself get hungry (just keep snacking)
Take vitamin b3 supplements (these curb nausea REALLY well)
Take prenatals WITHOUT iron until AFTER the 1st trimester (extra iron can be hard on the stomach). I LOVE the gummies!
Drink ginger ale
Wear layers (you will get hot flashes!)
Acupressure WORKS! Try it!
