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Healthy, Homemade Baby Puffs

If your child is anything like mine, once they tried those nutrition-less, processed baby puffs they were hooked!

My sweet girl has her favorite foods but nothing compares to puffs. She will throw anything during a tantrum but not those; they are a game changer. The problem is that they have no nutritional value. I can’t bear the thought of filling my girl’s tummy with useless junk when she’s growing and needs that space for foods that will help her develop and stay healthy. There’s a time and a place for this kind of quick snack though; having something delicious on hand is pretty essential.

So, of course, I created my own baby puff recipe that is made with oatmeal, veggies and fruits! My daughter squeals at the site of them – so don’t worry, they are still delicious too!

Healthy, Homemade Baby Puffs

Prep time: 10 minutes  
Cook Time: 20 minutes  


  1. Baby oatmeal, 1 cup (or powderize your own if you have time)

  2. Veggie/Fruit puree, 3 tablespoons (pre-packaged or puree your own)

  3. Baking Powder, 1 teaspoon

  4. Egg whites, 2


  1. Preheat oven to 325 °

  2. Add oatmeal and baking powder to mixing bowl and combine

  3. Mix in fruit/veggie puree (things might seem a little lumpy but just wait)

  4. Separate egg whites from yolks and whisk the whites until they become very frothy

  5. Slowly combine egg whites into bowl until everything is mixed evenly

  1. Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper

  2. Add your mixture to a Ziploc bag and cut the tip off (make sure the hole you cut is small- about the width of a pencil eraser)

  1. Squeeze out small balls of dough in lines on the parchment paper until you’ve used all of your mixture

  1. Place in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown

  1. Place puffs while on parchment paper on to cooling rack until completely cooled

  2. Place puffs in container with lid OFF inside refrigerator for 2 hours (this will ensure that the puffs are cooled completely and will stay crisp)

  3. Add lid to puffs and keep in or out of the refrigerator for up to a week (for optimal freshness)

These puffs are crisp on the outside but soften super quick when you put them in your mouth! Feel free to experiment with different fruit/veggie combinations! My daughter loves pear and peas!

Happy snacking!


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Mommee Cow

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