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Breast Milk Popsicles for Teething Infants

If you’re a mama in the deep weeds of infant teething, I feel for you!

There is nothing worse than seeing your precious baby suffer through this achy time. Teething can start at varying point in infancy but there is no hard set rule. I can guarantee that it will never happen at a good time though.

My little girl started teething around 3 months old and that milestone overlapped with many other big changes as well. At this same time she started rolling over and therefore, had to start being weaned off of her swaddle at night. She also started experiencing sleep changes around 3.5 months old (the dreaded sleep regression) and would wake more often in the night. All 3 of these milestones together created quite the whirlwind of chaos and stress for us.

Here’s what ran through my mind as a Mama on the hunt for the perfect teething remedy:

  1. Do I really want my baby sucking on plastic all day? There are a lot of concerns these days about the effects of BPA.

  2. Is it really healthy to administer baby pain reliever or numbing gels? Maybe those options should be saved for REALLY bad days/nights or avoided all together

  3. The FDAhas recently publicized new recommendations to avoid teething bracelets. (read here)

  4. How do I help my baby feel soothed enough to still nurse? Often times babies are turned off by nursing when their gums are sore.

After countless hours of research I came across these awesome toddler popsicle molds on Amazon. I thought they would be wonderful for once she had transitioned to solids at 6 months.

Then the idea came to me that I could make breast milk popsicles!

Simply pour your milk into the mold, add the handle, throw in the freezer for a couple of hours and then you have a lifesaving teething solution!

Reasons I LOVE this idea:

  1. Your baby will think these are delicious! They are simply a new form of their favorite treat!

  2. They are chemical free (no chewing on plastic)

  3. This is another great use for breast milk

  4. You can make 6 at a time so there’s never a shortage

  5. These treats can stay in the freezer for up to 60 days

  6. You can let your baby suck for a few minutes and then put the popsicle back in the freezer for next time

  7. If your little one is too fussy to eat, this is a GREAT solution! They can have a tiny snack while numbing their gums and THEN feel good enough to eat a full meal!

  8. They numb your babies gums without drugs and I’ve never had a problem with my baby thinking that it’s too cold.

  9. Eventually baby can hold this on their own (the handle is grippy and easy to grab)

  10. This works amazing at bedtime! It helps soothe my little one’s gums for long enough that she can relax and go to sleep!

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to leave me a comment! This has been SUCH a lifesaver for my family and I’m thrilled that I can help manage my sweet little girl’s pain.



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